Tips to Help You Recover After a Workout
Explore some helpful tips to help you recover after a workout. Learn how rest, hydration, and massage can relieve muscle soreness after exercise.
Back to school season is upon us and many kids are going back to the classroom. Beyond practicing patience and flexibility (yes, it’s important for your mental health too), here are some of our tips to help keep your kids safe this school year.
Unless it is absolutely necessary, avoid relying on communal school supplies. Your child should have plenty of their own school supplies and be sure to discuss boundaries when it comes to sharing.
Please don’t send your kids to school if they are symptomatic of illness. If they are feeling well enough, virtual learning is no problem. But in-class learning? Keep them at home. Try to establish a routine for checking their temperature and if they have a fever, they should be kept home. If information hasn’t been shared already, reach out to your child’s school to learn more about their sick policies and rules for the school year.
It has been stressed since the start of the pandemic, but one of the best ways to combat coronavirus is to wash your hands and wash them frequently. Be sure that your child knows how to wash their hands properly (click here for some expert tips) and that they wash them often. You will also want to send them to school with plenty of hand sanitizer that is alcohol-based and 60% or higher. Communal situations may not always have handwashing available, so it’s important that your child has easy access to sanitizer.
Face masks are recommended by the CDC as a barrier to help stop the spread of coronavirus by preventing respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask talks, coughs, sneezes, or raises their voice. Face masks and coverings are an example of source control. Your child’s mask should fit comfortably and properly and you will want to ensure they have a few spares with them in case of damage or contamination.
To help keep your kids healthy and growing properly, bring them in to your local Rochelle, IL chiropractor. Our chiropractors provide care for all ages and phases of life, and growing bodies can benefit in many ways from chiropractic care including better rest, increased ability to focus, and improved immune system.
To learn more about how Wills Chiropractic can help support the health and wellness of your entire family, click here to contact us.
Explore some helpful tips to help you recover after a workout. Learn how rest, hydration, and massage can relieve muscle soreness after exercise.
Discover how drinking more water & staying hydrated can help improve your energy levels, curb your appetite, decrease headaches, and more.